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Upload Folders on Github

There are two ways to upload folders on GitHub. One is to create a new repository and push the folder to it. The other is to add the folder to an existing repository as a submodule.

Pushing a Folder to a New Repository

If you want to push a folder to a new repository, you first need to create the repository on GitHub. Then, you can add the folder to your local Git repository and push it to GitHub.

Adding a Folder to an Existing Repository

If you want to add a folder to an existing repository, you first need to add the folder to your local Git repository. Then, you can add the folder as a submodule to the existing repository.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects. It offers a variety of features, such as repository management, code analysis, and issue tracking. In addition, GitHub also provides integration with other services, such as Bitbucket and Slack.

Uploading Folders

To upload a folder on GitHub, you can use the “git add” command. This command will add all of the files in the folder to the repository. You can then commit the changes and push them to GitHub.


  • Here’s an example of how to upload a folder on GitHub. First, create a new repository on GitHub. Then, create a new directory and add some files to it.
  • Next, cd into the directory and run the “git init” command. This will create a new Git repository in the directory.
  • Then, run the “git add .” command to add all of the files in the directory to the repository.
  • Finally, commit the changes and push them to GitHub.

GitHub is a powerful tool for software development projects. In addition to hosting repositories, it also offers code analysis and issue tracking. In this article, we’ve shown how to upload a folder on GitHub.

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects. It offers a variety of features, such as repository management, code analysis, and issue tracking. In addition, GitHub also provides integration with other services, such as Bitbucket and Slack.

Folder Structure

When you create a new repository on GitHub, it will have a default folder structure. This structure includes a README file, a LICENSE file, and an .gitignore file. In addition, the repository will also have a src folder, which is where your source code files will be stored.

The Src Folder

The src folder is where your source code files will be stored. By default, the src folder will contain a main.cpp file and a CMakeLists.txt file.

The main.cpp file is the entry point for your program. This file will contain your main() function.

The CMakeLists.txt file is used to configure your project with CMake. This file will contain instructions on how to build your project.


The README file is a text file that contains information about your repository. This file will be displayed on the main page of your repository.


The LICENSE file is a text file that contains the license for your repository. This file will be displayed on the main page of your repository.

The .Gitignore File

The .gitignore file is a text file that specifies which files should be ignored by Git. This file is used to prevent certain files from being added to your repository.


In this article, you learned two ways to upload folders on GitHub. You can create a new repository and push the folder to it, or you can add the folder to an existing repository as a submodule.