Emotional support animal letters are legal documents that designate a pet as an emotional support animal. These animals provide therapeutic benefits to individuals with a mental disability. Emotional support animals simply exist and comfort their owners through companionship. They aren’t required to undergo specialized training to perform disability-related tasks like service animals.
However, everyone who needs an emotional support animal must obtain an ESA letter first. In this article, we’ll cover if a licensed clinical social worker can write an ESA letter. Read to the end to learn if your LCSW can write you an ESA letter.
What Is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter?
An emotional support animal letter is a legal document that confirms an individual’s need for an emotional support animal and designates an animal as one. This letter proves that the individual has a mental disability and that an emotional support animal is a part of their treatment.
This legal document can be used for housing purposes, as emotional support animals are protected under the Fair Housing Act. An ESA owner can use their letter to request accommodation for their emotional support animal in no-pet housing. In select states, the owner can also use their ESA letter to bring their emotional support animal to the workplace.
Who Can Write an ESA Letter?
ESA letters function the same as any prescription. This document essentially prescribes an emotional support animal as part of the individual’s treatment plan. Therefore, only qualified mental health professionals can write an ESA letter.This includes psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and other mental health professionals.
Does This Mean an LCSW Write an ESA Letter?
Yes, licensed clinical social workers are included in the list of mental health professionals who can write an emotional support animal letter. If you’re currently seeing an LCSW, you can discuss the possibility of an emotional support animal as part of your treatment.
Although there isn’t a guarantee that an emotional support animal is suitable for you, speaking with your LCSW will clear up whether an ESA is suitable for you.
How to Get an ESA Letter From Your LCSW
Below is an overview of what to expect from the process of getting an ESA letter from your LCSW.
1) Schedule an Appointment
First, schedule an appointment with your LCSW. You will then need to attend sessions with your licensed clinical social worker. This can be done in person or online. There are also online providers that can connect you with a mental health professional to assess your eligibility for an ESA letter, such as US Service Animals.
2) Consult Your LCSW
Once you’ve scheduled a consultation with an LCSW, whether online or in person, speak about the possibility of an emotional support animal as part of your treatment plan. If you already have a pet, it can be a great conversation starter about emotional support animals. Those who already notice the therapeutic benefits of having their pets by their side have a higher chance of getting their ESA letter request approved.
3) Get Your ESA Letter
If your LCSW decides that an emotional support animal will benefit your condition, they will then write an ESA letter.
However, note that some states require licensed clinical social workers and other LMHPs to have at least a 30-day client-provider relationship before they can write an ESA letter. Namely, these states are California, Iowa, Arkansas, Montana, and Louisiana.
Your ESA letter from your LCSW will include basic information about your LCSW, such as their name, license number, contact information, your name, and details about your emotional support animal.
After obtaining your ESA letter, your pet will be designated as your emotional support animal. You can then use your ESA letter in situations like requesting accommodation for your ESA in no-pet housing or bringing them to the workplace in select states.
Obtaining an ESA Letter From an LCSW
Now that we’ve covered if an LCSW can write an ESA letter, you can schedule an appointment with a licensed clinical social worker to write you one.
While these mental health professionals can write an emotional support animal letter, note that there isn’t a guarantee that the LCSW you’re seeing will write one. Licensed clinical social workers use several metrics to assess if an ESA will benefit your condition. If your LCSW decides that an ESA may not be the best choice for you, it is best to look for alternatives for your treatment.
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