Trap cards in Yugioh, a widely debated topic. It seems that 90% of people think that traps are pointless and should never be used, while the other 10% uses them to counter almost everything. I will try not to express my opinion on this matter since it’s been discussed many times. Instead I will help you understand how traps work, and how they can be countered. This is especially important in tournaments where you need to know how to play against them.
Trap cards are not the only way of countering your opponent’s moves. However, they are usually the best choices when it comes to stopping short term threats (example: Mirror Force). Trap cards can also be used to destroy your opponent’s cards in many ways (example: Sakuretsu Armor and Widespread Ruin). So without further ado, let’s get started.
What are Trap Cards?
Trap cards are a type of card that, once activated, stay on the field until they are destroyed or used up. Trap cards usually have a low ATK and DEF (attack and defense points), so they are not meant to be used in battle. Instead, they are meant to stop your opponent’s moves and protect your monsters.
How do Trap Cards work?
When you activate a trap card, it will either have an immediate effect or a delayed effect. Immediate effects happen when the trap card is activated, while delayed effects happen at a later time. Most traps will have both an immediate and a delayed effect.
Yugioh Cards That Negate Traps
Konami has released some cards that can negate traps. This is called trap-negation, and the cards were created especially to counter trap cards. The “negating card” will be destroyed in the process of negating the trap; however, most of these monsters ( with the exception of Stardust Dragon ) do not have enough attack or defense points to survive battle with any high level monster.
How to Counter Trap Cards?
There are a few ways to counter trap cards. The most common way is to use a spell card. When you use a spell card to destroy a trap card, the trap card is destroyed and the spell card is not. This is called Spell Card Negation.
Examples of Trap Cards in Yugioh
- Mirror Force – destroys your opponent’s monsters when they attack
- Ring of Destruction – deals damage to your opponent equal to the attacked monster’s ATK points
- Sakuretsu Armor – destroys an attacking monster before battle damage is dealt (this can also be used against spell/trap cards)
- Widespread Ruin – destroys all cards on the field
- Trap Hole – sends an attacking monster to the graveyard
- Bottomless Trap Hole – removes an attacking monster from play (similar to trap hole)
- Torrential Tribute – destroys all monsters on the field (similar to widespread ruin)
- Imperial Order – prevents your opponent from activating any spell or trap cards for a certain amount of time
- Metalmorph – changes an attacking monster into defense mode, and increases its DEF points by 500
- Trap Jammer – prevents your opponent from activating trap cards for a certain amount of time.
The importance of understanding the opponent’s deck and their strategy
The importance of understanding the opponent’s deck and their strategy is essential in any game, but especially in Yugioh where the use of trap cards is so prevalent. Knowing how to counter your opponent’s traps can mean the difference between winning and losing. So next time you are in a tournament, make sure to bring along some spell cards specifically to deal with traps!
Trap cards are an important part of any Yugioh deck, and should not be underestimated. Knowing how to counter your opponent’s traps can mean the difference between winning and losing. So next time you are in a tournament, make sure to bring along some spell cards specifically to deal with traps! Thanks for reading!
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