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10 Life Hacks for Successful Weight Loss


Nowadays, there are so many methods of losing weight – it seems that there should no

longer be an excess weight on the planet. Alas, this is not so: the magic method has not yet been invented. But there are proven rules that definitely work; you just need to put in a little effort. Let’s deal with them together!

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Drink Water, Tea, and Coffee without Sugar

Yes, it is much more boring than sweet juices or soda, but they have no calories, which means nothing will be deposited anywhere. In addition, water triggers metabolic processes in the body and thereby promotes weight loss. You’ve probably heard that you need to drink a lot, 2-3 liters of water a day. This data has no scientific basis – drink as much as you want.

Avoid added sugar

Sugar is bad for your figure, everyone knows this. But there is also hidden sugar – look for it in yogurts, cottage cheese, and even unsweetened sauces, such as ketchup or salad dressings. To avoid excessive sugar consumption, carefully read the ingredients on food labels.

Eat Vegetables and Fruits

By the way, about food. Approach the issue of losing weight sensibly: do not exhaust yourself with strange diets, but switch to proper nutrition. When you want something tasty, choose fruits and vegetables instead of chocolates and jam. They contain vitamins, beneficial microelements, and fiber – all of these are useful for maintaining health and well-being. True, it is better to eat sweet fruits in the first half of the day – they contain a lot of sugar.

It’s better to skip dinner rather than breakfast.


It is better to start the morning with a glass of warm water, but it must be followed by a full breakfast. Calories obtained from scrambled eggs and a sandwich with cheese will quickly turn into energy, but a cutlet or chocolate cake eaten shortly before bed will be processed more slowly and worse. Instead of getting proper rest, your gastrointestinal tract will have to work actively at night – as a result, the quality of your sleep will suffer.

Say No to Gadgets While Eating

Make eating a ritual where you enjoy every bite. When you eat and at the same time watch TV or read social networks on your phone, you may unnoticeably eat more than you wanted: you will miss the moment of satiety. You know, fascinating information is addictive! And if instead of one chop, three jump into you at once, this is a good reason to put down your gadgets and focus on slow saturation.

Don’t Turn Snacking Into Snacking

We get a lot of extra calories if we grab a couple of cookies between breakfast and lunch and finish off dinner with our favorite ice cream. Why do you want to take bites even if you have eaten a lot? Perhaps now you have increased physical activity, and your body requires more energy. Or you didn’t plan your diet correctly and aren’t eating enough. Or maybe it’s a matter of habit? A doctor will help you deal with the constant desire to chew something. He will recommend medications that will improve metabolic processes in the body and reduce appetite, such as phenotypic, which also helps normalize eating behavior. By the way, don’t confuse snacking and “piecemeal.” The first ones are needed to smooth out the feeling of hunger between full meals. But if you chew incessantly, like a hamster, this is already “biting.”

Do Exercises

Or “detente” – call it what you want. Do yoga, ride a bike, run in the park, or just walk around the house to get 8-10 thousand steps. In short, add any physical activity that you like. To make your workout more enjoyable, think about the good: pleasant pain after the gym means that your body gets stronger and becomes more prominent, and every 10 thousand steps bring you closer to your dream figure.


Think about what sport could interest you: your favorite childhood swimming, trampoline jumping, or the now fashionable aero-stretching – stretching in hammocks.

Weigh Yourself No More than Once a Week

This simple rule will save you a ton of nerves. The fact is that weight can fluctuate during the day by 1–2 kilograms for no apparent reason. Although they, of course, exist: drinking regime, exercise, stress, going to the toilet, hormonal fluctuations, and so on. If you step on the scale once every 7-10 days, you will see real dynamics and understand what to do next. Weighing can be replaced by measurements with a centimeter. This way, you will see how volumes disappear in problem areas – it’s inspiring!