A common joke says that the forces of gravity and attraction are inexorable, so it is impossible to always remain young and beautiful. They try to reduce the severity of the influence of these factors with the help of sports, a healthy lifestyle and, of course, cosmetology. But often this correction process is limited to only the most noticeable signs, while less noticeable ones still give away age. What these signs are and how to fight them off, at least for a while?
Notice the Unnoticeable
You can estimate age by many signs. Let’s not take into account the figure, posture, hair and liveliness of movement, although this is also important and can add or subtract ten years. These changes can and should be worked on with the help of sports, nutrition, medicine. Believe me – a good checkup of the body and the elimination of the main health problems as a result will bring a noticeable positive result!
Let’s return to appearance. When you look at a person, you involuntarily read not only emotions, proportions of the face and figure, but also the approximate age. It can be determined by a set of signs that are divided into three groups according to the degree of expression.
Signs from the first group are clearly striking, even if you do not think about it: the oval of the face, the number of wrinkles, the presence of pigmentation and vascular asterisks, creases on the forehead, etc. But even here you can be mistaken by 10-15 years in either direction, especially if a specialist has worked well on the appearance.
The signs from the second group are not so obvious and they will clarify the numbers of age perception: eyebrow angles, downward shift of the corners of the eyes, “pouch” on the lips, decreased volume on the chin and cheekbones. Without experience, it is difficult to assess such nuances, they are also successfully corrected by a cosmetologist.
The third group contains signs for the most attentive. These signs are sometimes considered unimportant and they decide not to spend extra money, because “I have already done everything noticeable.” However, they also affect the overall perception of appearance.
They give away age: a double chin and a generally unclear face/neck area, loss of volume under the eyes, in the forehead, cheeks, a change in bite due to age-related wear of teeth with the formation of creases, flabby dry skin with pigmentation or individual pigment spots in the décolleté area and on the hands.
There are some more signs, for example, the condition of the earlobes. The nuance is that it is much more difficult to “pull up” the ears than, for example, the face, and this is a kind of secret marker of aging. If the earring is hanging down, and the hole in the lobe is “flaccid”, then the lady may be of an elegant age. Or there may be another reason – she often wears heavy, massive jewelry, everything is very individual.
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Do We Have a Plan?
What to do with these subtle signs? The answer “correct everything at once” is unlikely to suit you – this usually requires more time and money than is justified in such a situation. But it is obvious that makeup, a turtleneck and a voluminous necklace to distract attention will not solve the problem.
When you start eliminating subtle signs of age, remember the main thing: you need to make a long-term correction plan together with your cosmetologist. Beauty takes time and effort, and you need to work with a specialist to ensure that you do not “fall” into visual aging again.
As always, we recommend that you be very careful when choosing a cosmetologist in a clinic, as well as using only high-quality, registered rejuvenation methods.
Here is an approximate action plan:
First, you need to determine the type of age-related changes and understand whether there are signs of premature aging.
If there are such signs, it is best to start with the treatment of expression wrinkles using botulinum toxin.
We determine whether there are volume deficits in the facial area. As a rule, these problems are solved by introducing fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite or hyaluronic acid. But the amount of the injected drug should be optimal, and not lead to large volumes! Drugs must have a safety profile and all the necessary documents.
Given the trend for healthy and radiant skin, do not forget about its quality: compaction, improvement of microrelief, reduction of fine wrinkles, removal of the vascular component and pigmentation. This can be achieved using hardware and combined techniques.
Joint Efforts
There is another important point. Such problems are usually not solved by procedures in the field of cosmetology alone. Depending on the detected symptom, it may be necessary to involve other specialists. For example, to correct the bite and teeth, you will need dentists: a therapist, orthodontist, surgeon, orthopedist. To combat skin rashes, you may need treatment from a dermatologist or allergist.
A comprehensive approach will help to minimize these subtle, but already disturbing nuances. As a result, even your reflection in the mirror may forget about your age in the passport, and your efforts will be rewarded.
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